Consumption" consists of scales on food, drinks, personal/care products, nutrition and eating. The section "My Life & My World" has scales on family/friends, entertainment, animal compassion and care, possession/work, social service, other living beings and environment. The section "My Spirituality" has five scales on multiple views/anekantvad, knowledge, religion and scriptures, traditional celebrations and prayers. A few scales are presented below in order to enlighten the readers about them (Jain, Y. 2007: 37, 39, 45). The author recommends that the Jain way of life is to progress towards level 4 and 5.
1. I'm obsessed with getting a bigger house and car, and I want more money. I'm very jealous of friends and family.
2. I desire a better and better house, car, or more money. I am jealous of friends and family.
3. Occasionally, I desire more comfort and have mild jealousy towards others.
4. I have minimal internal greed, no enviousness of others and I appreciate the things I do have.
I am in constant equanimity and balance.
1. I'm arrogant about personal success, wealth, education, appearance and family.
2. I know that pride is wrong and must be balanced. Occasionally, I imply external pride in conversation with others.
3. I show no external pride, but occasionally have internal pride. 4. I have minimal internal pride.
5. I have no internal or external pride.
1. I'm critical of others at work, even though my own work lacks luster, and tend to cheat.
2. I avoid works which directly create, sells, or promote violent and/or sensual products; I tend to exaggerate accomplishment and performance.
3. I have a strong sprit of collaboration and team work.
46 Jains in India and Abroad