fruitfully be used in order to analyse the self-perception and identity of the Jains in various regional-linguistic settings. The case study method would be appropriate for investigating activities of any social unit, institution etc. of the Jain community. Many other phenomena such as consumption patterns, voting behaviour, opinion polls, etc. can adequately be taken care of by survey research methods. In short, a wide variety of theories and methodologies are available for researchers for carrying out anthropological/sociological studies.
The current status of anthropological/sociological literature clearly suggests the need for more systematic studies of Jainism and the Jain community. The list of topics suggested here for social science research is not exhaustive. Clearly there is an urgent need for identifying the knowledge gaps in the anthropological/sociological studies of the Jain communities. The compilation of a good bibliography on the Jain community should be the first major step towards building a credible body of social science on the subject. Besides anthropology and sociology, history and political science and demography are other disciplines that can further enrich the social science studies of the Jain community.
Hitherto too much emphasis has been placed on the researches of the Jain philosophy, religion and literature. In the process the social science studies have been totally neglected. The community and its leadership therefore need to be sensitized to the importance and the lopsided development of the Jain social studies. Before it is too late, a well thought out strategy by the Jain research institutions, associations, business houses and NGOs to plan and execute social science research projects on the Jain community is the need of the hour. The lack of specialists and funding constraints might be the major stumbling blocks in this regard. But then for a prosperous community like the Jains it should not be difficult to overcome these hurdles. In this regard, the Jains can learn a lesson from the Jews who constitute one of the most researched communities in the world.
139 Jains in India and Abroad