________________ International School for Jain Studies 'ISJS' The preferred Global centre for Jain studies Started in 2005, ISJS has grown in a size and attracts large number of scholars from overseas to attend its residential summer schools in India and abroad. A typical ISSJS program included over 100 class room lectures by eminent Jain scholars, visits to temples, monks and nuns, laity, rituals, pilgrim places and social welfare organizations run by Jains. More than 180 scholars from 25 universities of twelve countries have attended such programs as of now. Its alumni are recognized by academic community for their contribution. A number of them have started teaching Jainism in their universities as well. ISJS also organizes series of seminars at universities around the world. ISJS has also established a network with ten leading universities of India to work together for advancement of Jain studies. ISJS undertook publication of papers, important books and participate in national and international seminars. ISJS is a nonprofit non government non discriminatory foundation funded by a handful of Jains from USA and India primarily. Jainism, Key to Reality This is the first book attempted in an easy to understand presentation.. of Tattvaratha sutra (comprehensive compendium of Jainism). Visit www.jainstudies.org for details; Email: svana@vsnl.com ISBN: 978-93-80353-38-8