=;fl=akr-1 kxj ki ek. ;k; 4k% VIII.17
Trayastrim at s garopam ny yușah vk; q dh mRd"V&fLFkr rfhl &1 kxj ki e gå 33x10'* ocean-measured-periods is the maximum duration of life.
VFk% Meaning:
What is the maximum duration of existence of the life span determining karmas? The maximum existence of life span karmas has duration of 33x104 ocean-measured-periods.
A. VIII.17.2
Which types of living beings can have bondage of this maximum duration? The bondage, with maximum 30*1014 ocean-measured-periods duration, can occur to both the right and wrong believers who are endowed with mind, five senses and all completions and not to others.
Vijk }kn'kegrkz onuh; L; VIII. 18 Apar dv da amuh rt vedan yasya
VFk% Meaning:
onuh; &del dh t?KU; &fLFkfr‘ckj g&egrl gA The minimum duration of the feeling-producing karma is twelve Indian-hours (muh rtas).
Q. VIII.18.1
What is the minimum duration of existence of the feeling producing karmas? The minimum existence of feeling producing karmas is twelve Indianhours or nine hours and thirty six minutes.
ukexks; kj "VKS VIII.19 Nāmagotrayoraştau
VFk% Meaning:
uke vk xke dh t?kU; &fLFkfr vkB&egirl ga The minimum duration of the name-karma and the status-determining karmas is eight Indian-hours.
A. VIII. 19.1
What are the minimum durations of existence of the name and status determining karmas? The minimum existence of name and status determining karmas is eight Indian-hours or six hours and twenty four minutes.
When does the bondage of minimum duration of feeling producing, name and status determining karmas take place? These bondages of minimum duration can occur to those ascetics who are in the annihilating category of the tenth stage of spiritual purification.