VFK% Meaning:
Q.VIII.15.1 A.VIII.15.1
VFk% Meaning:
Which types of living beings can have bondage of this maximum duration?
The bondage, with maximum 30x1014 ocean-measured-periods duration, can occur in the wrong believers with virulent passions and who are endowed with mind, five senses and all completions.
I Irfrekguh; L; VIII.15 Saptatirmohan yasya
ekguh; dh mRd"V&fLFkr 'I Ùkj &dk\/kdk£V&I kxjki e' gå 70x1014 ocean-measured-periods is the maximum duration of the deluding karma.
What is the maximum duration of existence of the deluding karmas? The maximum existence for deluding karmas has duration of 70x1014 ocean-measured-periods.
Which types of living beings can have bondage of this maximum duration?
The bondage, with maximum 70x1014 ocean-measured-periods
duration, can occur to the wrong believers who are endowed with mind, five senses and all completions.
foakfruke&xks; k% VIII.16 Vim atirn ma-gotrayoh
uke vkS xk dh mEd"VfLFkr 'chl &dk/kdkV& I kxjki e' gå 20x101 ocean-measured-periods is the maximum duration of the body-making karma and the status-determining karma.
What is the maximum duration of existence of the name and status determining karmas?
The maximum existence of physique-making and status determining karmas has duration of 20x1014 ocean-measured-periods.
Which types of living beings can have bondage of this maximum duration?
The bondage, with maximum 20x1014 ocean-measured-periods duration, can occur in the wrong believers who are endowed with mind, five senses and all completions.