Q.VII.33.2 A.VII.33.2
What is meant by misdirected activities of mind? To think of other subjects and not focus on contemplation during the periodical contemplation is the misdirected activities of mind.
Q.VII.33.3 A.VII.33.3
What is meant by misdirected activities of speech? To pronounce the words fast or incorrectly during the periodical recitations is misdirected activities of speech.
Q. VII.33.4 A.VII.33.4
What is meant by misdirected activities of body? Not keeping the body calm and composed (i.e. to perform activities like stretching, yawning, moving legs / hands, scratching etc) while performing the periodic is misdirected activities of body.
Q. VII.33.5 A.VII.33.5
What is meant by lack of earnestness? Not to be enthusiastic in performing the periodic or to complete the same quickly for one reason or the other is called lack of earnestness.
Q. VII.33.6 A.VII.33.6
What is meant by fluctuation of thoughts? To forget the sequence of activities due to the wandering of mind everywhere while performing the periodic is called fluctuation of thoughts.
Q. VII.33.7 A.VII.33.7
What is meant by yoga? To perform activities of mind / speech / body which cause vibrations in the space points of the soul is called yoga / activities.
Q. VII.33.8 A.VII.33.8
What is meant perverted activities? Activities performed with ill intentions are called perverted activities.
Q.VII.33.9 A.VII.33.9
What is meant by ill intentions? To perform activities of mind / speech / body under the influence of anger / pride / deceit or greed while performing the periodic is called ill intention.
ViR; of{krki ekftrkki xkZ · nku&l krjki Øe.kkuknj &LeR; ug LFkki ukfu VII.34 Apratyavekşit pram rjitotsarg d na-samstaropakraman n dara
smrtyanupasth n ni
vir; of{kr&viekfth Hkfie ea mrl xl &vir; of{kr&viekfth oLrg dk vknku] Vir; of{kr&viekft: Tarj dk mi Øe.k] vuknj vkg Lefr' dk vuq LFkku & ;s ‘i Kšk/kki okl &ords i kp&vfrpkj gå Excreting, handling sandal-wood paste, flowers, etc., and spreading mats and garments without inspecting and cleaning the place and the materials, lack of earnestness and lack of concentration/memory.