Q. VII.32.4 A.VII.32.4
What is meant by garrulity? It is to indulge in meaningless and unrestrained talks out of arrogance recklessly.
Q. VII.32.5 A.VII.32.5
What is meant by unmindful indulging in too much action? It is too excessively, and without purpose, indulges in activities of mind, speech and body.
What is meant by keeping too many consumable and non-consumable objects? It is to stock more than what are essential levels of consumables and non-consumable objects.
Q. VII.32.7 A. VII.32.7
What is meant by arthakya and anarthakya? Objects needed are arthakya and objects not needed are anarthakya.
A. VII.32.8
Which is the transgression to read and think of not needed verses etc. from authors with perverted views? It is called unmindful indulging in too much mental action transgression.
Which is the transgression to unnecessarily cause misery to others by speaking vulgar language? It is called unmindful indulgence in too much speech action transgression.
Which transgression is to unnecessarily pierce live or dead flowers or to give weapons and poison etc to others? It is called unmindful indulgence in too much body action transgression.
A. VII.32.10
;kx&ndi f.kkkukuknj&LeR; ug LFkkukfu VII.33 Yoga-duspranidh n n dara-smrtyanupasth n ni
dk; ; kxnqi f. k/kku] opu; kxnqi f. k/kku] euks kxnqi f. k/kku] vuknj vkg Lefr dk vuq LFkku & ;s 'I kekf; d&ords i kp&vfrpkj ga Misdirected threefold activity, lack of earnestness, and fluctuation of memory are the five transgressions of the vow of periodical concentration.
A. VII.33.1
What are the five transgressions of the vow of periodical concentration (s m yika)? The five transgressions are misdirected activities of mind, speech and body, lack of earnestness and fluctuation of thoughts while performing the periodicals.