Sat dravyalaksanam
VFk% Meaning:
nd; dk y{k.k 'I rgA Existence (bring or sat) is the different of substance.
What is the differentia or distinguishing characteristic of a substance (dravya)? Existence / or being (sat) is the distinguishing characteristic of a substance.
Q.V.29.2 A.V.29.2
How many attributes are there of every substance? There are six generic attribute of every substance.
Q.V.29.3 A.V.29.3
How is existence the characteristic of all substances? Even though there are infinite different substances and these differences are due to some causes; yet from existence viewpoint, they are all of one type. Therefore existence is the main characteristic of all substances.
mki kn&0; ; &?kk8; &; Dral r- V.30 Utp da-vyaya-dhrauvya-yuktam sat
tks mki kn] 0;; vkg /kk0; &bu rhuka Is ; pr vikki- bu rhuka : Ik gø og Ir-ga Existence is characterized by origination, disappearance (destruction) and permanence.
Q.V.30.1 A.V.30.1
What is existence? An entity which is accompanied by origination, destruction and permanence simultaneously is called existent or having existence.
Q.V.30.2 A.V.30.2
What is meant by origination (Utp da)? To acquire a new mode (state or pary ya) by a substance without leaving its own nature is called origination.
Q.V.30.3 A.V.30.3
What is meant by destruction (vyaya)? The disappearance of the old mode is called destruction.
Q.V.30.4 A.V.30.4
What is meant by permanence (dhrauvya)? To retain its own nature even when the destruction of old and origination of new mode take place in an entity is called permanence.
Q.V.30.5 A.V.30.5
Does an entity with consciousness become without consciousness? No, it never loses its own nature which in this case is consciousness.
Is the difference in origination, destruction and permanence due to time or the state? All these three activities take place at the same time and hence the difference between these three is the state difference only. How do the three states exist simultaneously?