c rya Hemacandra clearly mentioned that Bhadrab hu, the rutakeval and Candragupta were contemporaries and that Bhadrab hu passed away in 170 V.N. While stating that they both were contemporaries, he considered the time calculation of the crya – tenure but while considering the time calculation of the ruling kings, he completely forgot to take into account the 60 years of the reigning period of the ruler Plaka. Thus, Candragupta who took over as Emperor in V.N. 215 was shown as having become the Emperor in V.N. 155 itself, 60 years earlier.
Thus when there are strong and substantial evidences to ascertain the historical fact, the tell-tale stories like making Candragupta the contemporary disciple (Monk or layman) of rutakeval Bhadrab hu, has no significance and are considered as baseless.
Era of Monks with general knowledge of prior scriptures (Ordinary
Prvadhara Era)
According to the school of thought of vet mbara tradition the period between V.N. 584 to 1000 is considered as an ordinary Prvadhara Era. This chapter brings into light the matters concerned with ten V can c ryas (discourse- c ryas) from rya Revati Nak atra to rya Dev rdhiga K am rama a; epochal- c ryas from rya Rak ita to
rya Satyamitra and group- c ryas like rya Ratha Candra, Samantabhadra, V addhadeva, Pradyotana, M nadeva, etc. Besides, this chapter tries to elaborate the significant facts like classification of Anuyogas (classifications of canonical texts), liv hana ka era, Jainism getting divided into sects, different congregations in Digambara Sect, Y pan ya congregation, origin of gacchas, Caityav sa (Temple dwelling), gama V can s like Skandil y and N g rjun y, compilation of gamas in the last gamay can conducted in 980 V.N. in Vallabh Nagara, lineage of Gurus of rya Dev rdhiga K am rama a, opinions of Digambaras about common P rvadhara era, comparison between Praj pan S tra and a khaņdāgama. It also throws light on few significant facts like the confusion prevalent in the Digambara Sect about the determination or compilation of time of Pr k ta Pa val of Nandi congregation, etc.