sthavir 1, God sa Ga a had four divisions - T malitiy , Kodivarisiy, Pamduvaddha iy and Ds Khavvadiy.
God sa, the chief disciple of c rya Bhadrab hu went to South with his disciples, propagated and spread Jain Dharma.
1.Era of ten prior scriptures knowing monks (Da a P rvadhara Era)
Da a Prvadhara era extends from 170 to 584 V.N. (414 years). This chapter deals with the history of eleven Da a Prvadhara c ryas starting from rya Sth labhadra to rya Vajra, the epochal tradition that was started by rya Suhast , V cakavam a tradition that came into existence under rya Balissaha. It also gives a brief gist of the list of cryas and the significant events that took place during their life time, the royal dynasties and invasions by foreigners etc., which occurred during these 414 years.
In this chapter a sincere effort is made to untie a difficult knot in the Jain-time-determination which, for the last one thousand years remained as a difficult problem for the intellectuals.
There has been unanimous belief in the Digambara sect that Bhadrab hu, the rutakeval passed away in 162 V.N. whereas according to vet mbaras it was in 170 V.N.
This is a historical fact that Candragupta Maurya with the help of C akya overthrew the Nanda dynasty in 215 V.N., usurped the kingdom and crowned himself as the king of Magadha and founded the Maurya dynasty. If we consider that the Mauryan emperor Candragupta, was the laity or rama a disciple of Bhadrab hu, then the time of demise of
rutakeval Bhadrab hu should be pushed furtherby 10 to 20 years after the year 215 V.N. or else the time of the downfall of Nanda dynasty, and, the establishment of the Mauryan Empire should be taken at least 15 to 16 years backward from V.N. 162 or 170.
An objective analysis of the factors brings out the cause of how and why there is the difference of 60 years while determining the time.