Dev rdhiga Kam
28th discourse (v can )- c rya & group (ga a) c rya
rama as, he
Among the c ryas of Lord Mah v ra's Jain order, discourse- c rya Dev rdhiga K am rama a occupies an exceptionally important place. The foresighted c rya Dev rdhiga K am rama a convened a council in Vallabh Nagara in V.N. 980, inviting all the rama as from all over. Through the recession of gamas by the rearranged the forgotten verses of the eleven Amgas, editing and compiling them in a systematic order. Besides, with the aim that the sacred texts should ever remain intact, without any loss, for the benefit of the future generations, he gave all the sacred texts a book form by making the rama as write all the S tras. The four-fold congregation of Lord Mah v ra, which will survive up to the end of the fifth epoch (Araka), is greatly indebted to Dev rdhiga K am rama a for his excellent foresighted & unparallel service.
rama a
Dev rdhiga Kam rama a, by birth was a K atriya of K yapa family lineage. He was known as Dev rdhiga K am rama a and Deva V caka too. He was enduring, resolute, noble and an ardent follower of austerities. He had the knowledge of one p rva and was an efficient discourse- c rya.
He was born at Vair vala P a a in Saurastra. The then ruler of Saurastra was Aridamana. Dev rddhi was born to virtuous parents namely, Kal vat and K marddhi of K atriya of K yapa family lineage, an ordinary officer in Aridamana's court. In his previous birth, Dev rddhi was a Hari agame celestial deity. When he descended into the womb of Kal vat, she saw a wealthy and prosperous deity in her dream. So when he was born, they named him as Dev rddhi. At the proper age, his parents sent him to an able teacher to attain knowledge. At a young age, he was married to two girls. Young Dev rddhi because of bad company of his childhood developed deep interest in hunting. He used to go to the forest with his friends frequently for hunting.
A lot of efforts were made by the successor Hari agame Dev rddhi on to the virtuous path. Ultimately, he arose slumber and took initiation into
deity to bring from his long rama a Dharma from c rya Lohitya.