the substance, with the detailed description of its perishable and imperishable properties.
Even in the Digambara tradition a monk with a name Loh c rya or Loh rya, who was a scholar in eight Amgas, was considered as one of the prominent c ryas.
rya D
yaga i 27th discourse- c rya
rya D yaga i succeeded to the rank of discourse- c rya after rya Lohitya. c rya Dev rdhiga K am rama a praised him as the best discourse- c rya of his times. rama as of hundreds of other Gacchas who had yearning for knowledge used to come to learn the scriptures from him. He interpreted and commented the scriptures with such efficacy and fluency that he never felt fatigue either mentally or physically.
The author of Sthavir val, Dev rdhiga K am rama a offered salutation to rya Lohitya in the following manner, “I humbly prostrate on the feet of rya D yaga i which are adorned with auspicious marks and have delicate soles”. This praise makes it very clear that Dev rdhiga K am rama a was the disciple of c rya D yaga i and hence he was well aware of the auspicious marks and delicate soles of his Guru's feet. His tenure falls in the middle of the 10th century V.N.