Vedantasära, 420, 490". Vedantasiddhantamuktavali, 420 Vedanta sutras, 70, 71; as interpretations of Upanisad texts, 70 Vedantatattvadipikā, 420 Vedantatirtha Vanamali, Prof., 281 n.,
305 n.
Vedantic, 433, 465
Vedāntins, 257 Vedantism, 175, 229, 371, 418 Vedarthasamgraha, 433
Vedas, 1, 6, 11, 13, 14, 20, 24, 25, 40, 67, 69, 186, 208, 209 2., 234, 277, 278, 282, 284, 285, 291, 294, 297, 304, 326, 333 2-, 355, 394, 401, 403, 404, 405, 426, 430, 431, 435, 489; allegiance of Hindu philosophy to, 11; atman in the, 26; authorship of, 10; bearing of, to Hindu law, II; classification of, 12; doctrine of karma, 210; earliest record, 10; idea of morality, 210; influence of, on later thought, 10; learnt by hearing, 10; monotheistic tendency in, 19; transmigration not developed in, 53 Vedic, 1, 6, 10, II, 14, 264, 265, 292, 396, 404, 436; belief in another world, 25; belief in punishment of evildoers, 25; commandments do not depend on reason, 29; conception of manas as seat of thought, 26; conception of the origin of the world, 25; cosmogony (mythological), 23; cosmogony (philosophical), 23; creation hymn, 24; doctrine of atman, 25; doctrine that soul could be separated, 25; duties, different from Upanisads, 29; eschatology, 25; law of karma, 21; moral idea, 25; obligatory ceremonies, 11; sacrifices and rituals, 11; teaching as karmia-marga, 29
Vedic duties, 371, 437, 489, 490, 492; for inferior persons, 30 Vedic gods, 16; contrasted with Greek gods, 16; contrasted with Purana gods, 16; have no fixed leader, 18; instruments of sacrifice, 22
Vedic hymns, 18, 22, 31; two tendencies, 6; different from the Upanisads, 31 Vedic literature, 41, 211, 268
Vedic mythology, 18n., 19n., 22 n., 23 n., 25 n., 26 n.
Vedic sacrifices, 271
Vedic texts, 68, 69, 276, 372, 399
vega, 286, 316
vegasamskara, 291
Venkata, 222 Venkatesvara, 423 Vesāli, 112 vibhāga, 316
Vibhajjavadins, 112, 115; schools of,
115; their notion of time, 115
Vibhanga, 83, 90 n. Vibhāṣā, 120 n.
vibhu, 189, 363 vibhuti, 272, 424 Vibratory, 327
vicara, 105, 144, 213, 271 vicikiccha, 100, 105 vicikitsa, 145
Vicious infinite, 160, 319 n. vidhi, 29, 404, 405 vidhi-vakya, 405 vidhiviveka, 371 vidhiyate, 146
Vidvanmanoranjini, 420
vidya, 111, 277, 278, 293, 332 n. Vidyabhuṣaṇa, Dr S. C., 128n., 172, 279, 309 n., 350 n., 388 n., 421 Vidyaranya, 419 vihāras, 173 vijānana, 89 vijñapti, 94, 124
vijñāna, 86 n., 90, 91 m., 123, 124, 132, 143, 146, 409., 428, 460; determining namarupa, 91; in relation to skandhas, 91; meaning of, in Sanskrit works, 86 n. Vijñāna Bhiksu, 212, 220, 221, 222, 223,
225, 226, 229, 257 n., 260, 262, 494; his differences with Vacaspati, 223 ff. Vijñānakaya, 120 vijnanamaya, бо vijñānamaya atman, 46 Vijñānamatrasiddhi, 128 vijñanaskandha, 124 Vijñānavāda, 86 m., 127, 128, 145, 166, 167, 302, 417, 421, 429, 465, 493, 494; aspects of nothingness, 149; Bodhisattva doctrine, 150; categories of the understanding, 148; consciousness, two functions of, 145; doctrine of dhyana, 150; doctrine of essencelessness, 147; doctrine of illusion (māyā), 147; nirvana-doctrine, 151; doctrine of nairatmya and tathāgatagarbha, 149; doctrine of pratityasamutpada, 148; doctrine that all things are mental creations, 146; its literature, 128 Vijñānavādin, 113, 127, 128, 147, 167, 184, 233, 301, 332, 409 n., 415 Vijñānāmṛta bhasya, 220, 223, 239 n.,
vikalpa, 129, 151, 261, 269 vikalpalakṣanagrahabhinivesapratiṣṭhāpi
kābuddhi, 148
vikalpapratyaya, 410n. vikalpita, 409 n. vikatha, 193
vikāra, 232
vikaritvam, 203 Vikramaditya, 370
vikṣepa, 472 vikṣipta, 268 Vimalakirti, 128
Vimalakirtinirdeśasutra, 125 n.
Vimanavatthu, 83
Vinaya, 82
vinaya, 193