277, 278, 307, 330 n., 337, 338, 340, 341, 351, 352, 355 n., 371, 397 n., +15, 418, +21 ., 433, +57, 469, +90; his
differences with Bhikṣu, 223 ff. vacika, 108 vicikakarma, 124 vācikavijñaptikarma, 124 vācyatva, 354 vāla, 294, 296, 360 vāggupti, 199 n. vägvikalpa, 148 Vājapyāyana, 232 Vajasaneyi school, 31 vāk, 333 vākovākya, 276 vākyadosa, 302 vākyaprašamsā, 302 Väkyurthamātrkāvrtti, 397 n. Vāmana, 231 vanaprastha, 283 vārttā, 277 Värttika, 67, 230, 307, 309, 327., 353 n.,
418, 419 Vārttikakāra, 372 Vārttikakārapāda, 370 Värttika-tāt paryaļikā, 63 vāsanā, 73, 128, 130 8., 150, 151, 167,
263, 411 Vāsavadattā, 230 Vasudeva, 28 n. Vāta, 17 Vātsīputtriya, 112, 117, 119 n.; doctrine
of soul of, 117 Vātsyāyana, 63, 120, 167, 186 1., 229 n.,
269 n., 277, 278, 280, 294 n., 295 n., 296 n., 298 n., 301 n., 304, 307, 327 n., 350, 351, 353 1., 355 1., 167; his distinction of Sāmkhya and Yoga,
228n. Vätsyāyana bhāsya, 63, 297 11., 306, 309 vāyu, 20, 37, 43, 50, 213, 262, 287, 289,
290, 295, 321, 323, 324, 328, 329 väyu-atom, 253 Väyu purāņa, 306 väyu tanmätra, 252 Veda, 397, 422, 436; literature, 429 vedana, 85, 90, 92, 94, 95, 97, 127 Uedanakkhandha, IOO vedaniya, 191, 193 vedaniya karna, 194 Vedānta, 1, 7, 20, 29, 30, 41, 42, 48, 50,
52, 62, 68, 71, 75, 138, 161, 168, 177, 178, 211, 2151., 235, 237, 238, 239, 241, 258, 319 n., 341, 343, 371, 402, 107, 408, 419, 420, 429, 430, 431, 432, 436, 439, 427, 448, 450, 451, 452, 53, 454, 455, 459, 461, 466, 468, 470, 471, 472 n., 482, 483, 486, 488, 189, 492; ajñāna as the material cause of illusion, 453 ; ajñāna and vrtlijñāna, 481; ajñāna established by perception and inference, 454 ff.; ajñāna not negation, 455; anirvācyavāda, 461 ff.; antaḥkarana and its vittis, 472; ātman, +74;
ūtman and jita, 475; ātman as selfluminous, 460; Brahman as the adhisthāna of illusion, +51; cessation of illusion as bādha and nivrtti, +88; cit not opposed to ajñāna, +57; consciousness as illumination, 149; controversy of the schools, 406; creation of an illusory object, 487; criticism of the Nyāya doctrine of causation, 466; definition of ajñāna, 452 ff.; definition of perception, 473; dialectic, 419, 420, 461; dialectical arguments, 465; different kinds of illusion, 487; discussions with Kumārila and Prabhākara on the nature of self-luminosity of knowledge, +59; doctrine of duties, 489; doctrine of inference, +73; doctrine of jīvasāksi, 480; dualistic interpretations of, 70; ekajīva doctrine, 477; epistemology of Kumärila, 416 ff.; epistemology of Prabhākara Mimämsā, 415 ff.; epistemology of the Sautrāntika Buddhists, 408 ff.; examination of the category of difference, 462 ff.; existence of the objective world, 480; function of vrttijñāna in perception, 481; general account of, 70; history of the doctrine of māyā, 469-470; indefinable character of the world-appearance, 461; indefinable nature of ajilna, 479; literature, 418 ff.; locus and objects of añana, 457 ff.; māyā and avidyā, 469, 475, 476; methods of controversy, 407; nature of ahamkāra, 458, 460; nature of antahkarana, +60; nature of emancipation, 491; nature of Isvara, 476; nature of perception, 483; nature of pramā, 482; necessary qualifications, 489; nirvikalpa perception, 483; Nyāya epistemology, 412 ff.; objections against the view that world-appearance is illusion, +51; drstisysti doctrine, +78; perception of ajñāna in the sleeping state, 456; philosophy, 70; pratibimba, avaccheda and upadhi, 475; refutation of the Mimāmsã theory of illusion, +85; relation with other systems, 492 ff.; relation with Vedic duties, 490; Sāmkhya epistemology, 414 ff.; self-validity of knowledge, 484; Sankara, the Brahma-sūtras and the Upanişads, 429 ff.; similarity not essential for illusion, 452; theory of causation, 465 ff.; theory of illusion, 486 ff.; theory of perception, +70 ff.; three functions of the subject, +80; three stages of jīva, 476; views on samaviya, 319 n.; vivartta and pariņāma, 468; vrtti and consciousness, 449, 150; world-appearance not a subiective creation, +52; Yogācāra epistemology. Vedantakalpataru, 86 n., 14n. Vedāntaparibhāṣā, 67, 318n., 419, 460 N.,
484, 485 n.