Self-revealing, 106, 215, 216 Self-shining, 24 Self-subsistent, 233 Self-validity, 168, 169, 173, 174 Selves, 58 Sense-characteristics, 337 Sense-cognition, 342 Sense-contact, 172, 174, 182 Sense-data, 158 Sense-evidence, 227 Sense-experience, 239 Sense-faculties, 41, 343 Sense-faculty, 341 Sense-gratification, 7 Sense-knowledge, 159, 182, 219, 337 Sense-object, 341 Sense-operation, 343 Sense-organ, 158, 193, 233 Sense-powers, 419 Sense-qualities, 341 Sense-relation, 257 Senses, 3, 337 Sensible, 194 Sensory, 28 Service, 351 Sesa-t'äkyārtha-candrikā, 62 Seşācārya, 62 sevā, 351, +22 Sevākaumudī, 377 Sevāphala, 357, 358, 374, 375, 380, 381 Setāphala-stotra, 373 Setāphala-tityti, 355 setopayogi deha, 355 Sex-attractions, 10 Sex-love, 426 Sex-restriction, 10 Shame, 151, 339 Shell-silver, 308 siddha-prakāśa-lopaḥ, 288 Siddhapura, 372 Siddhadraita-märtanda, 381 siddhānta, 141n. Siddhānta-muktavali, 373, 374, 375,
376, 377, 379, 380, 381 Siddhānta-rahasya, 373, 374, 376 Siddhānta-ratna, 19n., 438,439, 445 n.,
446 n., 447 Siddhānta Unnāhini Sabhā, 91 Silver, 120, 359, 414 Silver-appearance, 81, 238 Silver-illusion, 250, 251, 260, 261 Silversmith, 249 Similarity, 150 Simheśvara, 388 Sindh, 372
Sinful, 4 Sins, 420 Śită, 91 Skanda, 133 n. Skanda-purana, 122 Skanda-puraņā, Revākhanda, 416 n. Skanda-tirtha, 388 skandhas, 346 "Sketch of the religious sects of the
Hindus", 54n. Smoke, 191, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200,
299, 34+ smrti, 5, 6, 78, 163, 166, 321, 338, 339,
346, 425; relation to Vedic injunc
tion, s smrti literature, 4, +33 Smrti-sära-samuccaya, 56 smrti-sile ca tad-vidām, 7 smrti texts, 7 Smrti-vivarana, 56 Snake, 72 sneha, 318, 351, 356, 433 Sneha-pürani, 1 Solar light, 399 Solar sphere, 49 somayāgas, 371, 372 sopādhika, 300 sopādhikatvat, 123 Souls, 49, 132, 155, 179, 285, 317 South India, 91, 371 South Känara, 52 Southern way, 49 Space, 168, 182 Space-relations, 184, 293 sparsa-tanmatra, 35, 41, 42 Spatial coexistence, 187 Spatial limitation, 220 Special virtue, 126 Specious arguments, 84 sphurati, 106 Spiritual, 42 Spiritual law, 3 Spontaneity, 42 systi, 122 Srstibhedavāda, 362 n., 379 staimitya-rūpa, 42 Stava-mala, 394, 438 sthāyi-bhāva, 352, 353 sthiti, 39 n., 122 Stirling, Mr, 394 Strength, 42, 151 Subha Rao, 91 Sub-concept, 179 Sub-conscious, 178, 305 Subject, 160, 286