Mathara-vrtti, 39; monistic inter
pretation of, 33; schools of, 36, 45-7 Sāmkhya categories, 32, 36 n. Samkhya God, 46 Samkhya-kārikā, 36, 39, 45 Sāmkhya-pravacana-sutra, 344 sāmkhyānumāna, 327 Sāmkhyist, 328, 442 Sārürtha-darsini, I sārsti, 318, 430 n. sārşti-mokşa, 318 sārūpya, 318 Sārvabhauma Bhatýācarya, 385, 387,
saviseşa, 363 sūdhakatama, 167 südhana, 161, 346, 347, 353, 354, 357,
433 sādhana-bhakti, 433, 434, 435, 437, 441 Sadhana-paddhati, 394 sādhana-rupu, 353 sūdhanunumāna 201 sūdhārana dharma, 177 sūdhya, 184, 185, 344 sūdhya-bhakti, 434, 435 sādhyābhūvavad-avrttitram, 185 sūdrsya, 150, 151, 182 sådrsyūdi-sahakytendriyārtha-samsar
gajanya, 339 sühacarya-niyama, 185, 186, 187 Sahitya-Kaumudi, 438 sāhya, 95 sājujya, 355 Sākşātpuruşottamavākya, 373 sāksi, 33, 114, 159, 168, 173 263, 282,
307 sākşi-consciousness, 263, 266, 268,
269, 270, 274, 275, 281, 290, 291,
292, 298, 306, 307 Sāksigopāla, 387 saksi-jñāna, 158 sūkşindriya, 158 Sālikanātha, 162 n. salokya-mokşa, 318 sāmagri, 167, 172 Sāman, 128 sāmānādhikaranya, 185, 187 sāmainya, 150, 211, 303 sāmūnyābhāva, 273 sāmūnyajñāna, 358 sümünvato-drsta, 201 samūnya-pratyā satti, 225 Sūmūnyena lakṣitam tathaiva sphurat,
396 sämipya, 318 Sāmipya-mokşa, 318 Sāmkhya, 24, 26, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38,
39, 41, 44, 45, 47, 130, 136, 137, 138, 139, 143, 176, 327, 342, 398, 433; Ahirbudhinya description of, 37; Ahirbudhnya and Şaşti-tantra, 36–7; Asvaghoşa's account of, 32 n.; categories of, 24-5; difference between the Bhagavata and classical schools, 72: diversity in the enumeration of categories, 30-1; in Gitā and Ahir buhnyn, 45; God in, place of, 36; God and prakrti, 26; Kapıla in relation to, 38; as described in
sättvika, 29, 41, 337 Scorpion, 371 Scriptural, 99 Scriptural command, 3 Scriptural injunctions, 3 Scriptural testimony, 227, 229 Scriptural texts, 76, 81, 248, 252 Scriptures, 36, 114, 337 Seal, Dr, 36 n., 195 n. Seer, 85 Self, 31, 48, 49, 68, 84, 105, 129, 217
248, 260, 291, 299, 323, 335, 353,
360 Self-advancement, 28 Self-completeness, 42, 43 Self-concentration, 418 Self-consciousness, 20, 360 Self-contentment, 437 Self-contradictory, 265, 289, 361 Self-control, 10, 28, 316, 322 Self-creation, 362 Self-creative, 348 Self-dependence, 236 Self-determination, 412 Self-determined thought, 42 Self-determiner, 414 Self-discipline, 316 Self-enjoying, 99, 367, 436 Self-enjoyment, 99, 367 Self-evolving energy, 44 Self-experience, 8.4 Self-interest, 423 Self-knowledge, 11, 336 Self-love, 295 Self-luminosity, 288, 289, 414, 415 Self-luminous, 69, 237, 247, 248, 291,
295, 310, 335 Self-luminous consciousness, 277 Self-luminousness, 68 Self-luminous principle, 289 Self-purification, 29