Rāmānandatirtha, 79, 232 Rămānuja, 43, 125, 201, 219, 262, 439,
441, 442, 542 Rāmānuja-bhāşya, 262 n. 2 Rāmānuja-mata-khandana, 220 Rāmāyaṇa, 229, 230, 506 Rāmāyana-bhārata-sära-samgraha, 220 Rāmāyana-sara, 220 Rāmāyana-sara-samgraha, 220 Rāmāyana-sāra-stava, 220 Rāmāyaṇa-tātparya-nirnaya, 220 Rāmāyaṇa-tātparya-samgraha, 220 Rāmendra Yogin, 57 n. Rāmeśvara Bhārati, 82 n. rāśi, 44 React, 23 Real, 117, 167,271; God, 2; ignorance,
4; objects, 26; souls, 2; substance, 23; transformation, 38, 39, 44; world, 2, 20 Realism, 271 Realistic, 1, 2, 213; definitions, 163,
168; interpretation, 38; logic, 167;
transformation, 38, 39, 44 Reality, 5, 15, 20, 73, 115, 165, 181,
186, 193, 195, 206 n., 236, 245, 268,
499 Realization, 233, 239, 524 Rearing, 505; of cows, 505 n. Reason, 120, 121, 123, 139, 148, 194,
375 Reasoning, 24, 376, 377 Rebirths, 75, 90, 305, 407, 465, 520
523, 530 recaka, 257, 258 Récentes Découvertes de MSS. Médi.
caux Sanscrits dans l'Inde, 425 n. Receptacle, 179, 526 Recognition, 65, 67, 184 Recognition of identity, 33, 34, 66; in
Buddhism and Vedānta, 33 ff. Rectum, 288, 318, 331, 336, 348, 351 Red, 27, 344 n., 349 Reed, 346 Reflection, 50, 55 Refutation, 127, 146, 147, 160, 188,
189, 192; of action, 188 Relation, 15, 22, 24, 25, 34, 44, 96, 106,
121, 144, 146, 152, 158, 159, 167, 173, 191, 203, 204, 372, 374, 397; of identity, 34; of inherence, 148, 158, 187-189; of inseparability,
Relativity, 157 Rele, 353 n., 354 Religion, 525 Religious, 367, 509, 525; discipline,
488; duty, 505; endeavours, 488 Remoteness, 369 Renunciation, 252, 444, 457, 458, 510,
514 Repentance, 508 Repetition, 360 Reply, 388 Reports on Sanskrit Manuscripts, 219 Repository, 22 Repulsions, 239 Resemblance, 131 Resolution, 253 Respiratory process, 258 n. I Responsibility, 501, 505, 507, 508 Result, 376 Retentive power, 373 Revelation, 13-16, 197 Reward, 503 Rhetoric, 220 Rhetorician, 171 Ribs, 286 n. 2 Rice, 358 n. Right cognition, 134, 136, 137 Right conduct, 405, 406, 423 Right knowledge, 99, 153, 181, 187,
194, 206, 212, 213, 229, 239, 248,
251, 261 Right perception, 135 Right thinking, 90 Right volition, 500 Ritual, 547 Ritualistic, 284 Rockhill, W., 276, 277, 424 n. I roga-bhişag-jitīya-vimāna, 377 rohini, 317, 396 romāvarta, 342 Root, 347, 365; desires, 243; inclina
tions, 243, 255 Rooted instincts, 248 Root-impression, 31 Rope, 7, 37, 73, 106 Rosy, 349 Roth, 274, 283 Rough, 332, 338 Roughness, 360 ruci, 497 Rudimentary element, 76 Rudra, 538 Rug-viniscaya, 434 rūkşa, 332, 338, 357, 359, 361, 363,
Relationing, 31 Relationship, 152 Relative concept, 91 Relative space, 157 Relativistic, 164, 213; philosophy, 164
ruba, 377 rūpatva, 374 rūpin, 202