Privilege, 505 prīņana, 328 Probability, 373 Probandum, 120, 121, 139, 140 Probans, 139 Proceedings and Transactions of the First
Oriental Conference, Poona, 400 n. Proceedings of the Madras Oriental
Conference, 232 Process, 256, 377 Procreator, 525 Product, 13, 18, 23, 331; complexes, 4 Production, II, 18, 25, 32, 37, 38, 41, 62, 166, 168, 173, 174, 177, 182, 184, 186, 187, 190, 235, 236; of action,
473; of knowledge, 18 Prognostication, 396, 397 Prohibitions, 504 Projection of objectivity, 25 Proof, 128 Proper discernment, 134 Proper measure, 325 Proper proportion, 327 Property, 357-360, 365, 506 Propulsion, 481, 482 Prosperity, 501 Protection, 505 Proud, 510, 511 prstha-gatāsthi, 287 n. I prstih, 286 prthak, 370 pythaktva, 194, 370 pythivi, 75 Psychical frame, 105 Psychical process, 48 Psychological, 108, 265, 366; appear
ance, 32; constituents, 58; duality of awareness, 29; elements, 58-60; entities, 59; existence, 73; experi- ence, 170; ignorance, 12, 109; necessity, 25; objectivity, 25; objects of awareness, 29; self, 9; thought,
Punnabhadda, 539 punya, 522 pupphusa, 258 n., 318 Purāņa, 43, 74, 78, 228, 279, 328,
547 Purana-veda, 274 n. 3 Pure, 36, 303; annihilation, 234;
awareness, 33; being, 13; bliss, 13, 90, 113, 215, 223; blissfulness, 92, cessation, 234; consciousness, 22, 30, 33-35, 46, 65, 71-74, 77, 101, 105, 118, 179, 181, 197, 203-207, 209, 211, 227, 235, 236, 238, 241243; essencelessness, 234; extinction, 233; happiness, 22; idea, 234; intelligence, 8, 13, 21, 22, 50, 89 n., 102, 110, 233, 477; negation, 234;
thought, 24; vacuity, 235 Purificatory rites, 278 Purity, 469, 502, 505, 510, 511, 513,
514, 542; of heart, 510; of mind,
438, 441 purīşa, 317 purīşa-dharā, 317 puritat, 344 purusa, 181, 234, 241, 250, 251, 255,
265, 272, 379, 380, 385, 388, 440, 457, 458, 461, 465-467, 472, 477,
524, 537 purusah parah, 465 puruşa-kära, 256 puruşa-nārāyaṇa, 537 Puruşa-niscaya, 342 n. Puruşa-sūkta, 523, 524, 537 puruşārtha, 547 puruşottama, 55, 416, 466 Puruşottama Dikşita, 115 Purusottama Sarasvati, 79, 225 Puruşottamavana, 120 pury-aştaka, 245 Pus, 325, 330 Puşpāñjali, 80 pūraka, 257, 258 Pūrņaprajña, 120 Pūrņākşa Maudgalya, 357 Pūrņānanda, 232, 354 n. Pūrņānanda Sarasvati, 79 Pūrņānanda Tirtha, 78, 79 Pūrņānanda Yati, 353 n. pūrva, 400 n. pūrva-kala-bhāvitva, 160 pūrva-pakşa, 389, 391 purpa-prajñā-samskāra, I04 pūrva-rupa, 336 n., 396, 397 pūrvavat, 398-400 Pūrvottara - mimāmsā - vāda- nakşatra
mālā, 219 pūşā, 353
Psychologically, 31 Psycho-physical parallelism, 339 Psychosis, 24, 29, 250, 254, 464 Psychosis-transformations, 22 Pthisis, 288, 299 Pubic, 348; bone, 285 n. 7; nerve,
353 Pubis, 285 n. 7 Public good, 485 pudgala, 58, 59 Pudgala-viniscaya, 58 n., 59 n. punar-ukta, 388, 389 n. Punarvasu, 395 Punarvasu Atreya, 393 Pungent, 337 n., 357–359, 363