Māndūkya-kārikā, 78, 92, 192
Menstrual flow, 351 Māndūkya-Upanişad-bhāşya, 78 Menstrual product, 313 Māndūkya-Upanişad-bhāsyārtha-sam- Mental, 24, 500, 504; causes, 187; congraha, 78
tact, 139; control, 500; creation, 233, Māra, 489
235, 243, 245; diseases, 418; funcmārdava, 510
tions, 464; inclinations, 491; modifimārga, 348 n., 350
cations, 243; movement, 238; operaMārici, 316, 333
tions, 22; phenomena, 186; state, 15, Mārkandeya, 316
153, 187, 258, 500; tendencies, 468 Mārtanda-tilaka-svāmin, 107
Mercy, 373 māruta, 361
Merit, 248, 249, 416 mārutādhisthanatvāt, 316
Meru, 370 mātsarya, 267
meru danda, 352, 353 n. Mäthara Acărya, 171
Messenger, 230 Māthara-urtti, 400 n., 401 n.
Metacarpal, 285 māyā, 10, 11, 16, 36, 41, 44, 45, 47, Metaphorical, 329
48, 50, 51, 72, 73, 77, 84, 89, 104, Metaphysical, 191, 192, 499, 501, 502, 106, 163, 197, 215, 217, 221, 224, 514 238, 239, 271, 473, 477, 524, 525, Metatarsal, 285 533; alone the cause of the world, Method of interpretation, 2 11; as an instrumental cause (Brah- Methodological, 337 man being the material cause) ac- Methods, 29, 166 cording to Sarvajñātma Muni, il; Methora, 543 differences of view regarding its re- mettă, 460 lation with Brahman, 11; scholastic meya - svabhāvānugăminyām anirva - disputes as to the nature of its canīyatā, 127 causality, I
meyatva, 121 mājā-mātram, 37
Mice, 409 māyā nirmitatvābhyupagamāt, 203 Middle discrimination, 140, 250 māyā power, 476
Migration, 406 māyā theory, 42
Milk, 59, 60, 97, 175, 322-324, 350 Measure, 148, 194, 360, 370
Mind, 35, 76, 154, 156, 217, 232, 243, Mechanical, 360, 369
256, 331, 339, 355, 367, 368, 377, medas, 312 n. 3, 317, 324, 325
406, 419, 447, 469, 498, 500-502, medhā, 328, 373
508, 512, 530 Medhātithi, 251, 394
Mind activities, 470 Medhātithi Gautama, 393
Mind-associated consciousness, 34 Medical, 358 n., 372, 373, 376, 378; Mind-body, 523
formulas, 435; herbs, 277, 294; Mind-contact, 70 literature, 295, 300, 301, 354 n.; Mindfulness, 500 practitioners, 277; science, 276; Mind-object contact, 69 system, 352; treatment, 303 n. 4; Mind-organ, 227, 310, 314, 366 writers (later), 299
Mind-person, 344 Medicinal, 359 n.
Mind-structure, 524 Medicine, 275, 279, 280, 320, 357, Mineral, 333
359, 360, 363-365, 370, 371, 389, Minor term, 139 403
Miraculous, 294; effect, 364 Medicine of Ancient India, 424 n. 2 Mirage, 5, 29, 230, 234; stream, 233 Meditation, 90, 256, 259, 447, 460, Mirror, 180 493, 494, 500, 501, 511
Misconception, 479 Meditative union, 446
Misdeeds, 408 Medium, 229
Misery, 41, 178 medo-dharā, 317
Mitäkşarā, 82 n., 107 Medulla oblongata, 355
Mithila, 119, 125, 394 Megasthenes, 543
mithuna, 392 Memory, 24, 148, 261, 264, 373, 374 mithyā, 105 Mendicant, 505
mithyācāra, 493 Menstrual blood, 350, 352
mithyā-jñānam, 8, 12, 413