Gnaanopayoga Gnaanotpattikrama Gnaapti Gnaata Gnaata dhaara Gnaata drastaa Gnaata-bhaava Gnaayaka Gneya
Gneya gnaata sambandha Gneya tatva Gneyaakara Gneyaartha Goraani Gotra Gotra karma
Cognitive consciousness; Determine cognition Process of obtaining knowledge Knowledge Knower Flow of knowledge Pure knower and observer state Intuitional state; Intention Knower; Knower of right knowledge Knowable; Object of knowledge; Recognizable object; Perceptible; Knowledgeable Relation between the object (matter) and the knower Knowledgeable substance, knowledgeable element characteristic knowledge of matter Recognizable matters A respectful address to Nun or Sadhviji Exogamous group; Status of birth; Status Karmas that determine environmental circumstances, Statusdetermining aghaatiya karma Planet; Receiving; Acquisition Acquisition; Receiving; Eclipse; Obscuration House-holder stage Achieved through outer causes Newly and newly getting acquired Heavenly adobe of certain kind of angels. Treatise, verse, composition, book, literary production. Possessionness; Volumes of books Bondage; Possessions; Knot Cutting of knots
Graha Grahana Grahastha linga Graheeta Grahyamaana Graiviyaka Granth Granthas Granthi Granthi-bheda
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