Chaturanuka sansthana
Chaturdasa-purvi/purvadhara Chaturdasi
Chaturindriya Chaturmaasa Chaturnikaaya Chaturthabhakta Chaturvidha Chaturvinshatistava
Chaturyama samvara Chau-bihara Chauvissanttho
Rectangular Configuration; Quadri-lateral configutation Versed / Proficient in 14-purvas. Fourteenth day in each fortnight which is particularly important for the practice of austerities like fasting, giving up food at night and fortnightly confession Four-sensed (Basically touch taste, smell and Sight Four months of rainy Season; Rainy residence. Four-fold group; Four types. Fasting for a day Four-fold Order Worshipping or eulogy of the twenty-four Jinas i.e. Tirthankars Four-fold; Four; Tetrad. Timal Renunciation of foods A prayer to the twenty-four Tirthankaras of this kaal in Bharat Kshetra. We list, bow and praise them for their great virtues; . Obeisance to the twenty four Teerthankaras Worshipping the twenty-four Tirthankars; Taking the Names of all 24 tirthankaras (this comes in the pratikaman of morning & evening) Multilation Common difference; Loss Metabalism Section / Logarithm; Karmic destruction; Reduction in seniority; Suspension Longarithm
Chavicheda Chaya Chayapachaya Cheda
Cheda ganita
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