Atithi samvibhaaga vrata Atithi-samvibhaaga Ati-vyaapti
Atyaachaara Atyanta Atyantaabhaava
Atyantika marana Atya-satya Audarika Audarika angopaaga Audarika sharira
|(1) Guest invited and expected or unexpected or unexpected; (2) One who may come any time, unexpectedly, without invitation, and is still welcomed with love and respect Self less offering to the unexpected guest vow Sharing with guest |(1) Unwarranted extension; (2) Extension of character beyond the determined object Vow violation; Excess Absolute |(1) Absolute negation for example, the sky flower or the son of barren women or horns of a rabbit; (2) Absence of one substance into the other substance (3) Absolute non-existence Final death Degrad Gross Body; Physical Body A karma, Gross limbs and sublimbs. Physical body; Gross body: It refers to the gross body because 'udara' means gross. (1) Feeling produced due to fruition of karma; (2) Fruitional / realisationl disposition / volition; (3) It is the state of mind with reference to the effective state origination from the rise of the karmic matter Particularised Instantaneously manifested body Subsidential disposition / volition Subsidential right faith; Subsidential righteousness
Audayika bhaava
Auddesika Aupa-patika sarira Aupa-samika bhaava Aupa-samika samyaktva
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