Arma-prasamsa Arma-samvedana Arma-tula Arpana Arpita Artha
Artha prakaasa Artha samaya Artha-danda Arthadhikara Arthagama Artha-karta Arthanaya
hatred, greed, attachment, etc. Self-praise Self intuition; Self-experience. Self-like Adopted standpoint; Particularity; Perminence Prominent Subject matter; Substratum; Meaning; Object; Implicit mode; Reality; Dravya Guna and Paryaya are called Artha; Wealth Illumination of object System of reality Objective violence; Purposeful violence Topic; Chapter Knowledge from text Author of the meaning It is that point of view or naya, which is different from vyanjana and is distinguished from the other characteristics like gender, number, time and agency; Objective standpoint importal standpoint. Unrelated meaning Object mode (non-spatial); In-distinct mode Implication Symbolism Apprehension; It is determinate confessional stage in which there is the awareness of the sensation. Non-rebirthing Without form Formless matter; It has no characteristics of sabda
Arthantara Artha-paryaaya Arthapatti Artha-sandrasti Arthavagraha
Aruhanta Arupa Arupi
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