Anuradh Anuradha Anurupa
Anusanchita Anusarana Anushhna Anusilana Anusochana Anusreni gati Anusthaana
Anutata Anut-kasayi Anutkrasta Anutseka Anuvichi bhaashana Anuvichi yachana Anuvrata
To carry to an end; To finish with Effected; Accomplished; Obtained Comfortable; Corresponding; Like; Ssuitable; Adapted to; According to; Conformity; Suitablility; Confirmable; Accordingly Accumulated Follow Cold Practice; Deep thought Continuoua thinking Linear motion Religious Celebration; Ritual Activity; Religion Performance; Ritual with knowledge Splitting type; A sound tape Scant-passioned Non-maximum Non-areogance Conscientious speech Shelter begging (1) A vow that is not as strict as a Mahavrat. Anuvrats are for people living family lives. The five vratas are: Ahimsa (non-violence), truth, non-stealing, nonpossessiveness and chastity or self-control. (2) Minor Vow; (3) Lesser, partial limited and qualified vow; (4) partial vows (5) Vow of truth; (6) Minor vow of truth Minor vower Small vow holder Householders who observes small vows
Anuvratadhari Anuvrati Anuvratis
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