Ahimsaa dharma Ahimsaa paramo dharma Ahinsaa Ahinsaa anuvrata Ahinsaa vrata Ahita Ahobhaava Ailaka
|(1) Non-violence; (2)Non-harming; (3) The supreme mahavrat or anuvrat that all Jains must adhere to. Jain religion is remarkable in that it upholds nonviolence as the supreme religion (Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah) and has insisted upon its observance in thought, word, and deed at the individual as well as social levels; (4) The first and foremost among the Jaina vows, meaning abstention from slaughter, injury or harm; (5) Noninjury, non-slaughter, by words, mind and deeds. This is the first principal vow of the Jaina religion. In its broad connotation, it covers the remaining four vows of non-lie, non-sex, non-theft, and non-possession Religion of non-violence Non-violence as the supreme religion Same as Ahimsa above; Non-violence Minor vow of non-violence Vow of non-violence Not in the interest Great respect Highest state of lay follower; Loin-clothed votary; The highest state of a Digambara layman wherein he retains only one piece of clothing Empirical; Sensory Scripture; Traditional instruction Power; Sovereignty; Wealth; Prosperity Power; Prosperital puff orpride. Non-minimum Old-age-free; A liberated soul
Aindriyaka Airinya Aishwarya Aishwarya mada Ajaghanya
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