Taijasa varganaa Taimirika Tairyagyona Tala pralamba Talaputa Tamaha Tamasa Tankotkirna
Tantra Tantucharana Tanu Tanuvata
can be called as Electric body Luminous variform Disordered eye Animal birth Prominent; Vertically high A species of snake which is extremely venomous. Darkness Sankhya principle of inertia Same as before as if the statue, which is carved with chisel from a stone, eternal. Absorbed; Made up of that; Identical with that; Absorbed with that; Being absorbed in Occult rites; Mystical Devices; Superstitious rituals A super-natural power of walking over fine thread Incipient state; Thin Thin air; Rarefied air (1) Austerity; (2) Eradication of desire; (3) Penance which contributes to the destruction of karmas e.g. A pure soul has infinite tapa. They are meant to destroy the eight types of karma. Specific ascetics Austeritic learning; One who performs penance Tarana/Non-idolator sect of Digambara Jainas Inductive reasoning; Logic Discursive; Disquisitive Wooden pot For (my Soul with Karmas or my blemished soul) Sound of stretched membrane; Sound of stringed
Tapasa Tapasvi Tarana panthi Tarka Tarkamulaka Tarpani Tassa Tata
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