Swarupa siddhi Swarupacharana charitra Swasti
Swastika Swaswamitva sambandha Swayambuddhatva
Syaadasti Syaadasti-avaktavya Syaadasti-nasti Syaadasti-nasti-avaktvaya
complexion; beauty; character; original form. Self realization Self absorption conduct Well being; Fortune; Success; Prosperity; A term of salutation especially in the beginning of letters, may the everlasting prosperity be on you; Spiritual blessings A symbol of foursome (four infinites) Ownership relationship Knowledge occurring by self; By bending towards the self White cloth cladness (Opposed to digamber or nonclothed) May be, it is, in some respect, it is. A May belin some respect, it is and indescribable. May belin some respects it is and it is not. May belin some respect it is, it is not and it is indescribable. (1) Relativism; (2) Theory of Relativity; (3) Describer| of multifacedness of a substance called Anekaanta; |(4) It is the theory of seven-fold predications to express the comprehensive nature of the things. It is the special contribution of the Jainas to the world thought. (5) Dialectic relativism; (6) The method of dialectic predications; (7) Doctrine of many fold standpoints in describing a substance (8) Effects a division or analysis of reality and the naya enlightens the particularity of the divided elements.
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