Sraavaka Sraavaka pratimaa Sraavaka -Sraavika
Sraavakachaara Sraavika Sraddhaa Sraddhaana Sramana
Householder; Religious listener; Votary. Model stage for religious listener Lay follower of the Jaina order, male and female. They are required to observe 12 vows (see Vratas) in order to be so called. Mere birth in a Jaina household does not entitle one to be called a sravaka or sravika unless s/he fulfills the 12 vows. Religious listner's disciplinelconduct. Female religious listener; Female votary Respect; Faith Respect; Faith (1) As distinguished from the Brahmana, the Sramana cult in India sheltered innumerable creeds, including Jainism and Buddhism, often called heretical, which did not believe in the authority of the Vedas; (2) Monk, Non-vedic mendicants, Jain monk, ascetic; (3) Religious striver Ascetic tradition; Strivera tradition Order of Jain monks Medicantal novice Jain nun Ascetic-disciple; Ascetic's votary Ladder; Series; Column/Progression A merchant, literally, the best among men); Merchants were so designated in India because of the valuable service they could render to the society by dint of their wealth holding. Lotus on chest; Auspicious lotus mark on chest.
Sramana paramparaa Sramana sangha Sramanabhuta Sramani Sramanopasaka Sreni Sresthi
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