Pratikriya Pratiksepa Pratilabha Pratilekhana Pratilomakrama Pratimaa
introspection; (5) Penitential retreat; (6) Expiatory recitals; (7) A confession for lapses, omissions and commissions to oneself. This is to be done daily, fortnightly, and yearly. Reaction Rebut; Reject Offering alms or charity Whisk broom; whisk-brooming Inverse order; Reverse order |(1) Idol or image of lord; (2) Stage of renunciation for a layman; (3) Model stage i.e. 11 (Eleven) stages of renunciation of a householder. They are 1. darshan pratima possessing perfect intelligence and well reasoned faith in Jainism, that is having sound knowledge of doctrines and their applications in life. 2. Vrat Pratima keeping up the twleve vows and extra vow of voluntary death sallekhana. 3. Samayik Pratima Standard small measures Represent; Expound; Illuminator Affirming, representing, expounding, proving, illuminating Rival party; Rival view; Opponent Fall; Counter-fall Definitive knowledge Final elimination Questioning Imitation trade; Adulteration trade Every moment; Without interruption; Continuous Seclusion
Pratimana Pratipaadak Pratipaadan Pratipaksa Pratipata Pratipatti Pratiprasava Pratiprcchana Pratirupaka vyavaahara Pratisamaye Prati-sanlinata
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