Nirvikalpa gyaana Nirvratatva Nirvrti, indriya Nirvveda Niryanitya avaktavya Niryapaka Niryuki Nisadya Nisarga Nisarga kaala Nisarga ruchi Nisargaja Nischala Nischaya
subject and object or knower and known; Exclusive concentration on one entity without distinct and separate consciousness of knower, known and knowing. indeterminate knowledge Vow-lessness Formative sense; Subtype of physical sense Detachment Permanent-cum-impermanent-cum-indescribable Preceptor of voluntary death A type of prakrita commentary Seating Nature; Inborn error The time to leave or abandon Natural predilection Natural immovable; Fixed; Firm Absolute; Non-conventional; Ultimate/ideal; Determination; Resolve; Decision; Assurance; Certainty; Certainly; Positively Definitive violence The noumenal point of view; Absolute point of view; Non-conventional view; Ideal/essential view; Transcendental (Supernatural) viewpoint; Absolute standpoint Resolutely; With determination; Definitely; Certainly Fallacy of absolute point of view; Perceived absolute point of view Determined; Decisive
Nischaya hinsaa Nischaya naya
Nischaya purvaka Nischayabhas
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