Kshoom Kshoum Kshudha parisaha Kshura sarvatobhadra Ksullaka
Kubjaka Kudarata
Kudava Kudeva Kudharma Kudrasti Kuguru Kuksi Kula Kulakara Kulinga Kumara sramana Kumbhaka Kunda Kundalini chakra Kunthunaatha Kupravachana Kupya pramanati krma
Disturbance caused by secondary influence Seed of power to remove sadness and depression Seed of power to purify sushumna and contact divine Affliction of hunger; Hungeral affliction. A penance type Minor a junior monk of first stage. A Jaina layman on the eleventh pratima. One who wears three pieces of clothing. (Votary with two clothes in skyclad sect). The next higher stage of monk is ellaka and then final one is muni. Hunchbacked (1) Divine power; (2) God's creation as a whole; (3) Nature; (4) Disposition; (5) Strength; (6) Inherent power 12-Anjali, 0.83 kg.; A measure False deity Heresy; False religion Heresy; False religion False teacher; Crooked preceptor 2 ratni measure Family; Genus; Clan Ethical founders False belief; False dress A Life-long celibate Breath stopping Pool; Pit Mystical psychic energy centre Seventeenth Tirthankar False instruction Exceeding quantities of clothes and utensils
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