Kataasanu Katha sat Kathaa vijigisu Kathaasa Kathamchita Kathanchita
Kathina Katuka Kausagga
Kautkuchya Kavaka Kavala Kavelaka Kesagra Kesa-loncha lunchana Kesariya modaka
Aasana white colored and of wool cloth to sit on Religious narrative; Religious tales Victory-desiring tales Stories Relatively: In some respect. From a particular point of view; In some respect; Somehow; In a way Hard Bitter A motionless state of body as if the soul has departed from it; A way of having a medidation (yog) (it comes in both pratikaman) Gesticulation Mushroom Morsel food; Intake of gross food Hot sand; Pan A length unit; Hair heads Self-plucking / pulling of hairs, Hair plucking. A sweet prepared from wheat flour, sugar and ghee (clarified butter) with sufficient addition of saffron to impart color and flavor. Perfect perception Perfect knowledge; Omniscient knowledge |(1) Only; (2) Ultimate; (3) Perfect knowledge,; (4) Alone; (5) Omniscient intuitive knowledge Absolute conation; Infinite Conation; Omniscient intuitive knowledge; Omniscient perception One who has achieve omniscient perception
Keval darshana Keval gnaana Kevala
Kevala darshana
Kevala darshi
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