Kandaka Kandarpa Kandka Kandmula Kanji aahaara Kanksa Kanthastha Kanyadaana Kapalika
Karana Karana Karana parmaatma Karana kaarya bhaava Karana kaarya sambandha Karana samaysaara Karana suddha jiva Karana suddha paryaya Karananuyoga Karanavirya Karatal parigrhita Karemi Karita Karma
Innumerrableth part of angula; Bulbous vegetable Amorous talk; Cupid Splits Bulbs, roots and tubers Sour gruel food Grey aura Memorize Ceremony of giving away the bride A sect of heretical monks in the Sakti cult prevalent all over India at one time. the kapalika mode of propitiation is not very dominant now, though there are many Saktas in India to this day. They usually believe in animal slaughter. Thought; Cause; Inference of effect Sense; Conduct; Disposition; Tool Conscious element existing in all living beings Cause effect phase Relation between causes and effect Scriptural knowledge gained through reverential causes Soul with causes of purity Modes with causes of purity Technical exposition; A scripture type Active energy; Kinetic energy With folder hands I do Getting done by others Fine particles of matter karma; Nimitta for self upaadaan to act; Deed done by the doer; Deed(Kaarya) It is the technical term, which refers to the after effect of
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