Manahparyaya or direct knowledge of the thought of others without the help of the sense organs and the mind, but within some limit of space and time; Kevala or knowledge which completely reveals, without any limitation of space and time, the truth about all things in the universe, corporeal as well as non-corporeal, with all their
attributes and modifications, past, present, and future. Unaana (Gnaana)
Knowledge; Congnition; Realization; Experience Unaana ninhava (Gnaana nin hava) Concealment of knowledge Jnaana sanjna (Gnaana sangna) Knowledge instinct Jnaanachetnaa (Gnaanachetnaa) Cognitional consciousness Jnaanadana (Gnaanadana)
Transmission/donation of knowledge Jnaanavaraniya karma
Knowledge-obscuring karma Jnaanedriya (Gnaanedriya)
Congnitive sense; Sankhya categories of senses Jnaani (Gnaani)
Knower Unaanopayoga (Gnaanopayoga) Cognitive consciousness; Determine cognition Unaanotpattikrama
Process of obtaining knowledge naapti (Gnaapti)
Knowledge Jnaata /Jnayaka (Gnaata/Gnayaka) |Knower Unaata-bhaava (Gnaata-bhaava) Intuitional state; Intention Jneya (Gneya)
Object of knowledge; Knowledgeable Jugupsa mohaniya karma
Aversion deluding karma Jugupsaa
Aversion or intense dislike Juhara
Jaina term for social greetings Jyotisa vidyaa
Astronomy Jyotish chakra
Area of space in which zodiac planets, stars, etc. are located
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