Indriya sanyama Indriya sukha Indriya-avaya Indriya-gnaana Indriya-jaya Indriya-pratyaksa Ingini-marana Iraavata Iriyaavaahiyaama Irya Irya samiti Iryapaatha Iryapaathakriya
Desistance from sensual pleasure Sensual pleasure Sensory judgement Sensory knowledge Sense restraint/subjugation Sensory perception Fast into death A name of kshetra or region While walking Movement, Manner of moving, care in walking. Careful movements Karmic influx without passion Irya means yoga (activity). The karmic flow, which is accrued due to one type of activity, is called Iryapathakarma and activity is called Iryapathakriya. Passionless influx Movemental or walking carefulness Slightly bent, Slightly concave Miraculous power of supremacy Desired Desired deity; Chosen deity Desired conclusion Union with the desired Separation from the desired Straight motion; Bow-like motion The perfect soul which has attained kevalajnana and which has reached the highest stage of perfection is called Isvara. Theism
Iryapaathika Iryasamiti Isat-pragbhara Isitva rddhi Ista Ista devata Ista saadhana Ista sanyoga Ista viyoga Isu gati Isvara
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