Jinachandra had two pupils, our commentator Amradevasûri and Chandrasûri. 3, App. p. 78. Author of the Tilayasundarirayanachûdakahâ. He here traces his spiritual genealogy to the three sûris Deva, Nemichandra and Udyotana (Nos. 36, 37 and 38 in the Kharatara gachchha with Klatt). He then praises Yaśodeva, Pradyumna and Mânadeva as three illustrious men in their gachchha. He himself, he says, was the pupil of Amradeva, who was the pupil of Udyotana. Cf. Bhandarkar's Report, 1883-4, p. 441. Cf. also Weber, II. p. 844. Devendragani is the Devendrasâdhn of 3, App. p. 10, author of the Uvaësakulaya. He speaks of himself by that name, 3, App. p. 78, 1. 2, from foot. In a collection of kulakas bought for Government this year I find this kulaka under the designation Bhavanakulaya, which is therefore probably the right name for it.
Author of the Pavayaṇasâruddhâra. In the prasasti to that work he tells us that he was the second of three pupils of Âmradeva, his elder brother in the faith being Vijayasena, and his younger Yaśodeva. Amradevasûri he styles the pupil of Jinachandra. 1, App. p. 88. (Correct 1, 68 where I have a wrong order).
Author of the Panchasangraha. 1, App. p. 74.
Author of a Dâna-and other kulakas. 3, App. p. 217.
Author of the Dâna-, Sila-, Tapah- and Bhavana-kulakas. 3, App. p. 218.
Dya Dvivedi
Author of the Nîti Manjari. 2, pp. 8 and 102. The date assigned by me at p. 8 to Dyâ Dvivedin is wrong. The commentary shows that the line in which the date is given is to be read
बिंदुशरशरैकेन मिते संवति दुर्दुभे ।
वत्सरे माघशुक्लादावक रोया तिथाविमाम् ॥
Dyk Dvivedin therefore wrote in Samvat 1550, and Kielhorn (Ind. Ant. 1876, p. 116) was right in pointing out that he often uses Sâyana. See Ulwar Catalogue No. 37.
Mentioned among the yngapradhanas. 3, App. p. 308.