No. 266 of the Cambay Palm-Leaf MSS. is a copy of Vâmanâcharya's Lingânuśasana which was written in Vîjîpura, by the righteous instruction of Devendrasûri, Vijayachandrasûri and Devabhadragani, in spite of the fact that the work was a heretic's (parasútrapustika), in Samvat 1287. 3, App. p. 114. No. 57 of the Cambay Palm-Leaf MSS. is a copy of the chûrņi and the vșitti on the Pakshikapratikramaņasútra which was written at the same place, at the instigation of the same three teachers (write" vijayachandra ") in Samvat 1296. 1, App. p. 35.
No. 247 of the Cambay Palm-Leaf MSS. is a book that was written in Pahlanpore at the instigation of the same three teachers in Samvat 1301 (write “devabhadragani "). 3, App. p. 73. Mentioned as the guru of Dharmaghosha. 3, App. p. 312. Devendra is No. 45 of the Tapâ gachchha with Klatt: Jagachchandra being No. 44, and Dharmaghosha No. 46. “At his time lived Vijayachandra, who had been a lekhyakarmakrin mantri in the house of Vastupala and was made sûri by Jagachchandra [Devendra's predecessor] ... Devendra wrote the following works :-Sraddhadinakṣityasûtravșitti, Navyakarmagranthapanchakasûtravritti, Siddhapanchâśikasútravritti, Dharmaratnavřitti, Sudarśanacharitra, trīņi bhashyâņi, siri Usahavaddhamânaprabhritistavâdayah. Devendra died Samvat 1327 in Mâlava, and his appointed successor Vidyânandasûri thirteen days after him at Vidyapura; therefore, the brother of the latter Dharmakîrtyupâdhyâya received the sûripada under the name Dharmaghosha." Klatt, Ind. Ant. XI. p. 255. Compare for some of these statements the extract from No. 1223 of this Report's Collection. See also Weber, II. pp. 535 and 837. Also pp. 882 and 951, where his pupil and successor refers to him as Devendramuniśvara.
The Devendrasûri, of the “Chivalava" gachchha, mentioned as the author of a Sudarśanakathâ (= Sudarśanacharitra in above list), must be the same teacher. 3, App. p. 289.
Devendra munibvara
Mentioned as twin-pupil with Somatilaka of Sanghatilaka in the Rudrapalliya gachchha. 1, p. 93. No. 1299 of this