GOHILA DYNASTY. ४ राज्यश्रीवखतसई .............. विजय......... ५ ज्ये...........खोरगढमधेपरागयीतथा ६ क्षत्रीमावजी............ सेठमेतादे ७ बजीतथामित........... 'यालईसनीद्धौ ८ धोलोकुवोबंधाब्यो ........... "घरतिविषा ६. ९ ........... 'दी....... 'बाबारामदासतलौदामेरामा......" १. ....................... संयत१८०५पोसशुदा
TRANSLATION. In Samvat 1805, Posku Suda 4th, during the reign of Vakhatsingkaji Vijayasinhaji tle Dholia well was built, and 50 bighas of land were given to Bå vå Rimadisa Talasidisa.
IX. Stone-Inscription in the temple of Bhilahkanjang at Láthi in Ráthidva:I.
Dated Samvat 1809.
The Siva temple of Bhilabhanjana in which this inscription-stone is placed is out side the small town of Lathi, the principal place of a small State of the same naune in the: Gohilaval division of the Province. It has a square surface measuring 6 in. Loy 6 in., and contains thirteen lines of Gujarati in Devanagari characters. It mentions the building of the temple by some Kapola Vaniâs of the town. The reigning chief was Gohila Sanghaji. It is dated Surmvat 1809 ; A.D. 1753.
TRANSLITERATION. श्रीगणेशायनमःश्रीसारदाओ(य)नमः॥श्रीरणछोडजी सत(त्यछ।।श्रीजयोमंगलाचरणश्रीश्रीसंवत् १८०९वर्षमासवतममासेश्रावणमासे शुक्लपक्षेतैयौअष्टमीवारगुरुजोगअंइ एवंपंचांगसंधीतदादेवलभीडभजणशंभु नुपणात्!|आदिश्रीलाठीमधेगोहेलश्री संघजीवराजमानराजकोळेश्रीवणीककपो लगनातीगोत्रमंडलसंघवीश्री५कल्याणजी? केसवतदाभा-याईउभयकुलवसुधाबाइल १मासोत्तमे २णे ३क्ले ति ५म्यो
Aho I Shrutgyanam