Lakshmi herself openly, as it were, with a view to free herself from the täint of the touch (of other kings), who surpassod all kings by the greatness of his most distinguished conduct, whose pair of feet were covered with the rays of jewels in the crowns of numerous warriors subdued and humbled with his kindness, who pounded his eneruics' pride with (his) club-like long and valorous hands, who burnt the whole line of his enemies with his extending lustre, who bestowed wealth on those that loved (him), who with the very enjoyable sight of numbers relieved from accidental misery, free from childishness, ever respecting the Brâhmanas, conquering the whole earth by unparallelled valour, was like Purushottama, the first god lying on the bed of the waters, with his Gadd and Chakru, who showcd many child-like exploits, who ever respected Brâhmanas, who compassed this earth only in one stride, who was like Dharma incarnate setting forth duties of the various varnas and Ashramas, who made his line illustrious by (floating) the white banner of religion hailed with joy by the three worlds, delighted with his satisfying and gratifying the minds of the gods and the Brâhmaņas, who were deprived by former kings affected with avarice of the spiritual gifts (made to them) hy the older sovereigns, who brightened all the quarters with the illustrious glory acquired by the habit of not being satis. fied with making constant gifts of large and ascertained villages to Devas, the Brâhmaņas, and Gurits according to their merits, who was thus significantly called by the other name of Dharmaditya, and who was a great devotee of Sankara ; elder brother of Sri Dhruvasena, who adorned with the white garments of faine had accepted as his own the large company of kings devoted to him and conferring on him as her chosen lord the garland indicating the choice, viz., Royalty, who possessed valour, unconquerable, and enough to bend down all his enemies (like HC ?), who in due order collected every autumn the annual tribute from the lands of the enemies adorned with arrows powerfully drawn on bows, whose hearing was lucid with the knowledge of the Sastras acquired even from oarly age, looking fine with various Varas, whose ears had also the new superfluous ornaments of jewels, whose hand shone like a bright moss-rose being wet with the water poured from it in the act of giving constant gifts, and shining with various armlets, jewels and other ornaments, whose arins contained within them the whole universe being as it were the barriers to the rising occcan, and who was a great devotee of Sankara ;--the son of Sri Dcrabhatta, who constantly bont down before his father in devotion...! (?) whose head was ever purified as it wcrc by the very white waters of the Ganges of the rays of the jewel-like nails, procccding from the feet (of his father), who showed much skill and wisdom like Agastya Múni, who mocked the widespreading halo of the moon with the circle (disc) of his fame which was very white and which had spread in all directions, who was lord of the earth that had
Ahol Shrutgyanam