Contents: Preface (3)-4.-Introduction i-xvi.—Dasaveāliyasuttam [text with variant readings) 1-58. Raivakkā cūliyā padhamā 59-62 [Text with variants)—Bīyā cūliyā 6264.-Daśavaikālikaniryuktih [No variant readings 65-100.-Notes (on text and appendices, but not on the Niryukti] 1-84.- Translation text and appendices only) 160. "1000 copies" "The text of the present edition is mainly based on the oldest manuscript in the Dehlā Upāshraya [Ahmedabad), which was found to be written almost correctly, in the old manner of writing. The oldest of the Bhavnagar manuscripts consulted mentions 1643 Samvat (ie. 1586 CE or thereabout) as the date of its being written; the oldest Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute manuscripts mention 1492 and 1515 samvat as their dates, while the oldest of the Dehlā Upāshraya copies go back to samvat fifteenth century. The text of the Niryukti is based upon two manuscript copies of the Dehlā Upāshraya Ahmedabad and one manuscript copy of Bhavnagar." (Preface, p. [3] (1st group)) **There are many printed editions also of the Sūtra available and they have also been consulted, the Agamoda ya Samiti edition with Haribhadrasūri's commentary [Dasave. 1918b). Dr. Jivraj Ghelabhai's edition [Dasave.1900z; 1912b, 1923-24?] being the chief ones. It is to be regretted that almost all the printed editions are full of misprints and inaccuracies and present considerable difficulty to the reader. The Agamodaya Samiti edition is the best of the lot, but copies of it are no longer available in the market. There is no English translation also of the book prepared as yet. ... For purposes of translation and notes there was taken at several places, the help of the commentaries of Haribhadrācārya, Sumatisūri, śāntisūri and a few Sanskrit and Gujarāti glosses, by unknown authors. The Sanskrit glosses appear to be only abridgements of Haribhadrasuri's commentary." (Preface p. [3)-4) The MSS sources are described on p. xv-xvi: MS A, Dosabhai Abhechand Jain Sangha, Bhavnagar, not dated, no culikas. MS Ka Jaisalmer (Samvat 1643, Friday Ashadha Suddha 5) and Gujarātī Bālāvabodha written by Rājahamsa Mahopādhyāya, pupil of the pupil of Jinarāgasūri of Kharataragaccha, corrections in yellow pigment, no cūlikas. MSS Kha samvat 1653, Sunday Bhadrapad Vad 1, written at Stambatirtha, gives appendices. MS Ga with Dīpikā in Sanskrit is slightly different from kha. MS Gha BORI, samvat 1515, Saka 1377, cūlikās and Skt gloss. Two other MSS there samvats 1492 and 1663 and others with no date. MS Сa, Ahmedabad from Dehlā Upāshraya, no date but "a very reliable manuscript which has got the two Chūlikās." The present edition is mainly based on this MS. Second edition 1938b. (Bollée 1995, 181).
ANU PK5003 .A58D3 1932 BORI 57 917 X.B.Jaina text/ *LD 2722
*[Text with Hindī tīkā / Atmārāma. Mahendragarha, Pațiyālā : Jvālāprasāda Māņakacanda Jauhari, Vi. sam 1989 (1932). [JSBI 2, 179 item Reprint. 1946.
*LD 6264 Jaina Siddhānta pāthamālā : Samskrtachāyāyutā : Daśavaikālika Uttarādhyayana sūtra chāyā sāthe sampūrņa tathā Bhaktāmara ādi ātha stotra, pucchisuņam ane Tattvārthādhigama sūtra mūla patha sahita/chäyä samyojaka Saubhāgyacandraji. Prathamāvrttih. Limbadi, Kāthīāvāda: Śrīajarāmara Jaina Vidyāśālā. Vīra 2485. Vikrama samvat 1989 (1932). 12, 456 p. ; 18 cm.
Contents: Nivedana 3—Prāsangika vaktavya 4-5-Suddhi-patraka 6-12.Daśavaikālika sūtram 1-108. Sri Uttarādhyayana sūtram 109-424.-Bhaktamara
2 Although it was thought that the English translation "was tacitly censored at the verse where the monk was
enjoined to avoid meat with too many bones in it" (Dundas 1992, 153), subsequent information suggests this was not the case (Dundas, The meat at the wedding feasts : Krsna, vegetarianism and a Jain dispute. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1997. (The 1997 Roop Lal Jain Lecture) p. 20 n.7 and n.17).