Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
jo me vayäiyäro, näne taha dansane charitte a, suhumo a bäyaro vä, tam ninde tam cha garihämi. 2 I wish to confess, scorn and reproach for whatever subtle or gross transgressions I may have committed, in respect to ethical behavior related to right knowledge (inäna), right faith (darshana), right conduct (chäritra) and the other two, austerity (tapa) and energy (virya). 2 દુવિહે પરિગ્નેહમિ, સાવજે બહુવિહે અ આરંભે, કારણે આ કરણે, પડિક્કમે દેસિ સવ્વ. ૩ duvihe pariggahammi, sävajje bahuvihe a ärambhe; kärävane a karane, padikkame desiam savvam. 3 I want to repent for the transgressions I may have committed in regard to acquiring two types of possessions, external (wealth, live stock, land etc) and internal (passions etc.) as well as any day-today harmful activities either done by me or approved such activities done by some one else. 3 જં બદ્ધમિંદિએહિં, ચઉહિં કસાહિં અપસચૅહિં, રાગેણ વ દોસણ વ, તે નિદે તં ચ ગરિહામિ. ૪ jam baddhamindiehim, chauhim kasäehim appasatthehim; rägena va dosena va, tam ninde tam cha garihämi. 4 I scorn and reproach all the transgressions I may have committed as a result of activities by sense organs (indriya), four passions (kashäya), with despicable intentions or due to attachment and aversion. 4 આગમણે નિગ્નમણે, ઠાણે ચંકમણે અણાભોગે, અભિઓગે અ નિઓગે, પડિક્રમે દેસિ સળં. ૫ ägamane niggamane, thäne chankamane anäbhoge; abhioge a nioge, padikkame desiam savvam. 5 I want to confess for all transgressions I may have committed during the day while attending frequently religious places of other faiths, coming, going or strolling to and fro purposelessly and performed sinful activities due to fear of or pressure from higher authorities. 5