Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
23. Pukkharavaradivaddhe Sutra
Shruta Stava Sutra
Object: This is a hymn in praise of Jaina doctrine, which drives away the darkness of ignorance.
Sutra and Meaning: પુફખરવરદીવઢ ઘાયઈસંડે અ જંબૂદીવે અ, ભરઠેરવાય વિદેહે ઘમ્માઈ ગરે નમસામિ. ૧ pukkhara-vara-diva-ddhe, dhäyai-sande a jambu-dive a; bharaheravaya-videhe, dhammäi-gare namamsämi. 1 I bow down to those peaceful liberators who have established the sacred doctrine in 5 Bhärata, 5 Airävata, and 5 Mahävideha continents (Kshetras) located in two and half islands made up by Jambudvipa, Dhatakikhanda and half of Pushkaradvipa. 1 તમતિમિર૫ડલવિદ્ધ-સણસ્સ સુરગણનરિદ મહિઅલ્સ, સીમાઘસ્ય વંદે પોડિઅમોહજાળસ્સ. ર tama-timira-padala-viddham-sanassa, sura-gana-narindamahiassa; simädharassa vande, papphodia-moha-jälassa. 2 I worship the sacred doctrine, which is destroyer of the veil of darkness of ignorance, which is adored by celestial beings and kings, which contains the rules of conduct, and which tears apart the net of delusion. 2 જાઈ જરા મરણ સોગ પણાસણમ્સ, કલ્યાણ પુફખલ વિસાલ સુહાવહસ્સ, કો દેવ દાણવનરિદ ગણચ્ચિ અસ્ત્ર, ઘમ્મસ્સ સારમુવલભ કરે પમાય. ૩ jäi-jarä-marana-soga-panäsanassa, kalläna-pukkha-lavisälasuhä-vahassa; ko deva-dänava-narinda-gana-chchiassa, dhammassa sära muva labbha kare pamäyam? 3 That which ends the sorrows of birth, old age, and death and that which brings the full and ample bliss of final release, worshiped by gods, demons and kings, how can, one who understands its essence, ever become careless? 3