Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
jaya viyaräya ! jaga-guru! hou mamam tuha ppabhävao bhayavam! bhava-nivveo maggä-nusäriä, ittha phala siddhi. 1 Hail! O Passionless Lord! Preceptor of the world, through your grace, blessed lord, may I wish for, disgust towards the cycle of birth and death, pursuit of the right path and attainment of ultimate bliss. 1 લોગ વિરુદ્ધચ્ચાઓ ગુરુજણપૂઆ પરત્યકરણ ચ, સુહગુરુ જોગો તથ્વયણ સેવણા આભવમખેડા. ર loga-viruddha-chchäo, guru-jana-puä, parattha-karanam cha, suha-guru-jogo tavvayana-sevanä ä-bhavamakhandä. 2 Abandonment of whatever is wrong and impure in the world, respect for the spiritual guide and elders, to be helpful to others, close association with right spiritual guide and full obedience to his words throughout all worldly existences. 2 વારિજજઈ જઈ વિ નિયાણ બંઘણું વીસરાય! તુહ સમએ, તહવિ મમ હુજજ સેવા, ભવે ભવે તુચ્છ ચલણણ. ૩ värijjai jai vi, niyäna-bandhanam, viya-räya tuha samaye; taha vi mama hujja sevä, bhave bhave tumha chalanänam. 3 O Passionless lord! Even though in your doctrine it is prohibited to ask favors from Jinas, still grant me to serve in your feet in all my worldly existences. 3 દુઃખખઓ કમ્મખઓ, સમાધિ મરણં ચ બહિલાભો અ, સપજજઉ મહ એએ, તુહ નાહ! પણામકરણેણ. ૪ dukkha-khao kamma-khao, samähi-maranam cha, bohiläbho a, sampajjau maha eam, tuha näha! panäma-karanenam. 4 O master! By paying obeisance to you, I gain these four favors, unhappiness is destroyed, karmas are destroyed, and right faith and vow of holy death are acquired. 4 સર્વ મંગલ માંગલ્ય, સર્વ કલ્યાણ કારણે, પ્રધાન સર્વ ધર્માણા, જૈન જયતિ શાસનં. ૫ sarva mangala mängalyam, sarva kalyäna kärnam pradhänam sarva dharmänäm, jainam jayati shäsanam. 5