Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
15. Jävanti Cheiäim Sutra
Object: Obeisance to images of Jina of all the three worlds.
Sutra and Meaning:
જાતિ ચેઈ આઈમ ઉડ્યુઅ અહેઅ તિરિઅલોએ અ, સલ્વા, તાઈ વંદે, ઈહ સંતો તત્વ સંતાઈ.
jävanti cheiäim, uddhe a ahe a tirialoe a; savväim täim vande, iha santo tattha santäim.
I, who live here, adore all the temples and images of Jina, which exist there in the upper world, the middle world and the nether world.
Explanation: This Sutra is also known as Chaitya Vandan Sutra. In Jag Chitämani Sutra, we offer obeisance to all the temples and images, which are (permanent) eternal, and in Jamkinchi sutra to mobile ones, while in this sutra respect is paid to both permanent and mobile places of pilgrimages and images of Jinas.
16. Jävant ke vi Sähu Sutra
Object: Pay sincere respect to all the monks.
Sutra and Meaning:
જાવંત કેવિ સાહુ, ભરહેરવય મહાવિદેહે અ, સવ્વસિ તેસિ પણઓ, તિવિહેણ તિદંડ વિચાણં.
jävant ke vi sähu, bharahe-ravaya-mahävidehe a; savvesim tesim panao, tivi-hena ti-dand-viryänam.
I bow down to all those monks free from evil in word, in thought, and in deeds, found in Bhärata, Airävata, and Mahävideha.
Explanation: This Sutra is also known as Muni Vandana Sutra. The monks are our true preceptors who give us proper guidance to the path of ultimate bliss in absence of Jina. It is not enough to just