Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
Rushabhdeva on Mount Shatrunjaya, Neminätha on Mount Girnära, be triumphant! Mahävira Swami who graces Sachora Nagar, Munisuvarat Swami in Bharucha and destroyer of unhappiness and sins Lord Pärshvanätha seated in Muhari village, be triumphant! Other 20 Tirthankaras of 5 Videha kshetra and also all the Tirthankaras of all the directions, of past, present and future, I pay my respect. 3 સત્તાણવઈ, સહસ્સા લફખા છપ્પન્ન અઠકોડિઓ, ભત્તીસસ, બાસિઆઈ, Conch bish cê. () sattä-navai sahassä, lakkhä сhhappanna attha-kodio; battisasaya-bäsiäim, tia-loe cheie vande. 4 I salute to 85,700,282 (eighty-five million seven hundred thousand two hundred and eighty two) Jain temples located in all three worlds. 4 પનરસ કોડિ સચાઈ કોડિ બાવાલ લખ અડવન્ના, છત્તીસ સહસ અસિઈ, સાયબિંબાઈ પણમામિ. ૫ panarasa-kodi-sayäim, kodi bäyäla lakkha adavannä, chhattisasahasa-asiim, säsaya-bimbäim panamämi. 5 I salute to permanently present (shäshvata) 15,425,836,080 images of Jina located in all these Jain temples. 5
Explanation: In this sutra we pay veneration to all the Jain temples and images of Jinas within them. Jaina scriptures mention presence of maximum 170 or minimum 20 Tirthankaras at one time. Without going into details of Jaina Geography, the scriptures also mention that the abode of humans and lower form of lives is limited to two and half-islands. In these islands there are fifteen continents, which are five Bhärata Kshetra, five Airavata Kshetra and five Mahä Videha Kshetra. Each Mahä Videha Kshetra is further divided into 32 territories. They are collectively called lands of toil (karmabhumi) because living beings have to work for their survival in these lands. Tirthankaras are only born in these continents and establish four fold Jaina religious order, agriculture (Krushi) law and order (asi) and education (masi) for benefit of people. They are present all the time in 4 territories of each of Mahä Videha, in the rest only at certain times.