Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
(Ädäna-Bhanada-Matta- Nikshepanä Samiti) and disposal of bodily discharges (Parshthä Panikä Samiti) The path of three folds self-control (gupti): These include refraining from all the harmful activities of thoughts (Mano Gupti), speech (Vachana Gupti) and body (Käyä Gupti). Summary of 36 attributes: Control over five-sense organs 5 Observance of celibacy in nine ways 9 Free from four passions 4 The above 18 are observed by giving up all harmful activities (tyäga swarup). Commitment to five major vows Observation of five categories of ethical behavior 5 Carefulness in five activities 5 and Restrain of thought, speech, and bodily activities 3 The remaining 18 are observed by taking up restraints (Swikar swarup).
3. Khamäsamana Sutra
Panchänga Pranipäta Sutra
Object: To pay respect to god and the spiritual master.
Sutra and meaning: ઈચ્છામિ ખમાસણો! વંદિઉં જાવણિજજાએ, નિસાહિઆએ, મત્યએણ વંદામિ. ichchhämi khamä-samano! vandium, jävanijjäe nisihiäe, matthaena vandämi Oh! Holy master! To best of my ability, discarding all sinful activities and with my head bowed down, I want to pay my respect to you.
Explanation: Holy masters have many attributes out of which forgiveness is the foremost; therefore they are also called Kshmäshramana (monks of forgiving nature). As while paying