Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
Keep control over speech (24) Keep control over physical actions (25) Endure hardships (26) Endure calamities (27) In total there are 108 attributes of 5 supreme beings (Paramesthi)
2. Panchindiya Sutra
Guru Sthäpanä Sutra
Object: Recitation of 36 attributes of head of congregation.
Sutra and Meaning: પંચિંદિયસંવરણો, તહ નવવિહબંભરવુત્તિધશે, ચઉવિહકસાયમુક, ઈ અઠારસગુણહિં સંજીત્તો. ૧ panhchindiya samvarano, taha nava viha bambhachera guttidharo; chauviha kasäya mukko, ia atthärasa gunehim sanjutto. Spiritual master possesses full control over the five senses, he observes total celibacy in nine prescribed ways and he is free from four types of passions. These are the eighteen attributes. પંચમહલ્વયજુત્તો, પચવિહાયારપાલણસાંત્યો, પંચસમિઓ તિગુત્તો, છત્તીસગુણો ગુરૂ મજઝ. ૨ pancha mahavvaya jutto, pancha vihä yära pälana samattho. pancha samio ti gutto, chhattisa guno guru majjha. 2 He observes, the five major vows, he has ability to practice five categories of ethical behavior; he is endowed with five-folded vigilance and three folded self-control. Such is my spiritual master with these 36 attributes. 2
Explanation: This hymn is recited to invoke spiritual master and therefore it is also known as Sthäpanä (invocation) Sutra; Panchindiya Sutra is the 91st and 92nd stanza of the text “Sambodha Prakarana” authored by Achärya Haribhadra Suri. Presence of an ascetic teacher is essential while performing the