Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
By practicing these six essential duties one cleanses and enhances the five categories of ethical behavior (ächära). Important points to remember while performing daily Essential duties: 1. Pronounce each word with clarity and never try to rush. 2. Recite each prayer, hymn and Stotra in a soft melodious voice.
1. Namukkäro Suttam
Object: Deepest salutations to the five most auspicious beings.
Sutra and Meaning: નમો અરિહંતાણં, નમો સિદ્ધાણં, નમો આયરિયાણં, નમો ઉવજઝાયાણ, નમો લોએ સવ્વસાહૂણં, એસો પંચ નમુક્કારો, સવ્વપાવપ્પણાસણો, મંગલાણં ચ સવૅસિં, પઢમં હવઈ મંગલ. namo arihantänam, namo siddhänam, namo äiriyänam, namo uvajjhäyäna, namo loe savva sähunan, eso pancha namokkäro, savva pävappanäsano, mangalä nacha savvesim, padhamam havai mangalam. I bow to the perfect embodied souls (Arihanta), I bow to the liberated souls (Siddha), I bow to the heads of congregation (Ächärya), I bow to the ascetic teachers (Upadhyäya), and I bow to all the monks (Sädhu). This five-fold salutation destroys all the sins. Of all the auspicious recitations. It is the first and the foremost.
Explanation: Navakara Mantra is also known as Namaskara Mantra and Namokara Mantra. Navakara Mantra is composed of nine sentences (padas). It is the most revered mantra in Jaina religion. In first and second sentences, we pay our respect to perfect souls. In the third, fourth and fifth sentences we pay respect to the monks. The remaining four sentences explain the importance of this prayer. Some Jain traditions do not include the last four