Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
અઢીદ્વિીપમાં જે અણગાર, અઢાર સહસ સીલીંગના ઘાર, પંચમહાવત સમિતિ સાર, પાળે પળાવે પચાચાર. ૧૪ બાહ્ય અભ્યતર તપ ઉજમાલ, તે મુનિ વંદું ગુણમણિમાલ, નિત નિત ઊઠી કીર્તિ કરું, “જીવ” કહે ભવ-સાયર તરું. ૧૫ adhidvipamän je anagära, adhära sahasa silanganä dhära; panchamahävrata samiti sära, päle paläve panchächär. 14 bähya abhyantara tapa ujamäla, te muni vandun gunamanimäla; nita nita uthi kirti karun, “jiva' kahe bhava säyara tarun. 15 I pay homage every morning to all the sages of two and half islands (adhidwipa) who strictly observe themselves and help others to observe the eighteen thousands restraints, 5 major vows, the path of 5 fold vigilance (samiti) and 5 categories of ethical behavior (ächära), who have mastered 6 types of external and 6 types of internal austerities and who are full of pious attributes like a string of precious stones. “Thus”, says Jiv Vijay maharaj, the composer of this sutra “I will cross the ocean of the mundane existence”. 14, 15.
so 30.