During, Before and After Death
During, Before and After Death
that it does not return. Therefore according to the foreigners it does not, according to the Moslems it does not, but for the rest of Indians, the Hindus, it does return. This is the result of the grace of your God that you believe in reincarnation. The moment you die, the soul immediately enters another womb.
Now in fact, all souls do return. The belief of the nonHindus' belief is that once dead they do not return, but they do return. They do not understand this because they do not understand the process of reincarnation. You understand reincarnation
Things that have a beginning and an end are all temporary. Anything that has a beginning has an end. Who is the knower of the temporary nature of everything? You (the pure Soul) are permanent; therefore it is You that sees all that is temporary. If everything was temporary, then there is no need to call anything temporary. Temporary is a relative word. It is because of the presence of the permanent, that there is something temporary.
The Cause Of Death & Birth Questioner: So why does death occur?
Dadashri: There are three batteries: the mind, speech and the body, at the time of a person's birth. These batteries begin to discharge, present their effect in the womb and continue to do so throughout life. The effect will finally come to an end with death. A person's karmic account is exhausted through these three batteries. When the effect of these batteries comes to an end, it is death. These batteries will last until death. However, as these batteries are discharging, new batteries for the coming life are being charged simultaneously. In this manner the charge (causes of karma) and discharge (effects of karma) continue to take place. The charging or causes take place because of the person's ignorance of his real Self. As long as his wrong belief, 'I am Chandulal' prevails, attachment and abhorrence continue to occur, giving rise to new causes. Once this wrong belief is replaced with the right belief, 'I am pure Soul'; attachment and abhorrence and consequently new causes cease to occur.
Reincarnation Questioner: Does the unliberated soul return after death?
Dadashri: Those who do not believe in reincarnation believe
When the body dies, it becomes lifeless and from that one can easily deduce that there was life within, which has now departed and gone elsewhere. Those who do not believe in reincarnation believe that the very life force (jiva) within was living and is now dead. We do not accept this. We are spiritually developed. It is because of this spiritual development that we believe in reincarnation. It is because of this that we understand the science of the Vitarag (the Omniscient) Lords. This science states that it is because of reincarnation that we all come together. Such is our belief and it is on the strength of this belief that we believe in the Soul. How can reincarnation be supported without the belief in the Soul?
Who is it that reincarnates? It is because there is the Soul that there is reincarnation. We witness the death of the body, which is burnt. So only the soul can come and go in different forms.
When you understand the nature of the Soul, all puzzles are solved. It is however, hard to understand. That is why all the scriptures tell you to understand the Soul. Now without this knowledge, anything done is done in vain. It does not help. First realize the Soul, and then all puzzles will be solved.